Adding a few lines of markup on your website means links to your content will have a “Card” with photo, title, and description to help drive readers to your content. In order for these lovely link previews to display on Twitter, your website must have Twitter Cards enabled. The difference between a bare hyperlink and an engaging Tweet is a small bit of code on your link’s website. The two main types of tags you’ll need are Twitter Cards and Open Graph. But by enabling social media cards on your website, you can control these meta tags so social media platforms accurately determine the title, description, and image that gets displayed. The results can vary from boring to comical. If the bots can’t find anything, they take their best guess. Similar to the meta tags that tell programmatic robots (like Google) about the pages on your site, social media bots scan the page associated with your link to determine what info should be displayed with it in a user’s newsfeed. But did you also realize you can specifically customize how your website content displays on social media platforms? The customizations are called social media cards and they make your content more engaging by adding images and summaries when you (or anyone else for that matter) share your links on social media.

You’re likely already aware that each page of your website should have a title tag and meta description for SEO reasons. So today, we’re going to talk about the importance of ensuring your website looks great on social media and provide the tools that’ll help enhance your posts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. To get the most out of your social media efforts, you’ll want to make sure that your website links show up properly.
How to Make the Most of Your Website on Social Media